The CHERRY TMS - Terminal Management System

Terminal Management System

The increasing complexity of IT components presents increasing challenges for many healthcare facilities. With the CHERRY TMS (Terminal Management System), CHERRY offers a step change in the remote management and administration of card terminals. By remotely controlling all terminals from a central location, IT departments can respond quickly and flexibly to system requirements and manage devices from a single source.

Are you also struggling with the challenges of a complex organizational structure?

The CHERRY Terminal Management System provides the perfect solution for complex organizational structures – from large hospitals and hospital groups to care facilities, as well as TI Gateway and TIaaS environments. It enables flexible, scalable, and user-friendly management of all card terminals, seamlessly adapting to the unique requirements of your organization.

It supports the management of all eHealth card terminals available on the market and also offers complete network configuration for the CHERRY ST-1506 terminals. Especially in complex user environments, IT departments benefit from the ability to perform many routine tasks remotely and monitor system status efficiently. The intuitive user interface of the browser-based TMS makes it easy to use and reduces training requirements for IT staff. Initially, hosting is available via on-premise solutions in your data center. In the future, a cloud option will also be offered—ideal for users who prefer not to maintain their own TMS server and particularly suitable for TI Gateway installations.

Benefits and features of the CHERRY Terminal Management System



The advanced multi-tenancy capability is a key feature, enabling centralized and efficient management of all eHealth card terminals registered in the CHERRY TMS, even across complex organizational structures with multiple hospitals or decentralized organizations like outpatient care services, medical centers, or private practices.

Group Management

Group Management

Structures the card terminals into logical groups, e.g. by department or room, for an organised overview. They can be assigned simply by dragging and dropping. Unassigned terminals are easily identified, and multiple assignments are also possible.

Connector Integration

Connector Integration

Retrieve connector status with details on operational state, address, version, and connected card terminals (CTs). Features like monitoring, CT reconnect, and automatic SMC-B PIN reactivation ensure smooth operation. In case of failure, a virtual switch to a backup connector is performed.

Monitoring and Status Tracking

Monitoring and Status Tracking

Continuous monitoring of operational status ensures the availability and readiness of all terminals. For maximum flexibility, monitoring can be integrated into existing monitoring systems via API.

Automatic Network Scan

Automatic Network Scan

The automatic network scan enables users to quickly locate and display all card terminals within the network structure (client, sub-clients, groups) - including sub-networks.

Update Management

Update Management

Centralized firmware updates for all card terminals allow bulk updates of all selected card terminals simultaneously, ensuring efficiency and consistency.

Configuration Management

Configuration Management

The configuration of card terminals or terminals with a remote interface can be performed almost entirely over the network, significantly streamlining the management process.



Comprehensive reports offer an overview of the status and configuration of card terminals, making them ideal for internal evaluations and statistics in various formats.

Another benefit:

The CHERRY TMS is also GDPR-compliant

The CHERRY TMS integrates all necessary library information locally, eliminating the need for external internet requests and user consent.

The CHERRY TMS integrates connector functionality

The optional extension allows seamless integration of connectors into the TMS, supporting features like advanced card management (HBA, SMC-B, gSMC-KT) and automated remote PIN entry (SMC-B).

Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe Implements the CHERRY Terminal Management System

Since July 2024, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe has been one of the first customers to use CHERRY TMS. Its work focuses on an efficient organisational structure and patient-oriented care, which are supported by high-performance IT management.

The CHERRY TMS enables the remote execution of routine tasks and continuous monitoring of systems, even in complex IT environments. This significantly reduces the workload on the IT department by ensuring that all deployed components function optimally and without disruptions – without requiring on-site technical personnel. This enhanced efficiency plays a vital role in maintaining close patient care during critical moments.

CHERRY Background
The CHERRY TMS is a valuable addition for us. Its ease of use and support for all terminals make the system particularly appealing. The network-based configuration enables efficient management, saving us significant time that we can directly invest in caring for our patients and residents.

A coordinated overall system consisting of TMS, gSMC-KT cards, and card terminals enables transparent and efficient management. With CHERRY TMS, you save time and reduce costs by making the management of your IT infrastructure simpler and more efficient. The more complex the organizational structure, the greater the added value of CHERRY TMS.

Want to learn more? – Get in touch with our specialists