Compact Laptop Mouse with Nano USB Receiver and Carrying Case


Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:
English (US)

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:
English (GB)


Manual MW 2200

File language support:
Polish Czech Slovak Slovenian Croatian Chinese Danish Norwegian Swedish English (GB) German French Italian Spanish Dutch Finnish

File size:
3 MB

MD5 checksum:


CHERRY KEYS (32Bit x86)

CHERRY KEYS Individual key assignment for mouse and keyboard Thanks to our easy-to-use software, you can configure your keyboard or mouse according to your wishes. Our solution allows you to re-model your keys with just a few clicks. The following functions can be assigned with CHERRY KEYS: - Run program - Open file/folder - Open website - System functions such as logout, standby, locks - Play recorded macros - Insert recorded text - Multimedia functions (e.g. louder/quieter/next/mute/etc.) - Disable key

File language support:
German English (GB) French Italian Spanish Chinese Korean

Operating system support:
Windows 10 (32Bit) Windows 11

File version:

File size:
43 MB

MD5 checksum:

CHERRY KEYS (64Bit x64)

CHERRY KEYS Individual key assignment for mouse and keyboard Thanks to our easy-to-use software, you can configure your keyboard or mouse according to your wishes. Our solution allows you to re-model your keys with just a few clicks. The following functions can be assigned with CHERRY KEYS: - Run program - Open file/folder - Open website - System functions such as logout, standby, locks - Play recorded macros - Insert recorded text - Multimedia functions (e.g. louder/quieter/next/mute/etc.) - Disable key

File language support:
German English (GB) French Italian Spanish Chinese Korean

Operating system support:
Windows 10 (64Bit) Windows 11

File version:

File size:
48 MB

MD5 checksum:


Recycling Pass CHERRY MW 2200

Recycling pass according to PAS 1049

File language support:
English (GB) English (US)

File size:
311 KB

MD5 checksum: