Mechanical MX Low Profile Keyboard with RGB lighting and metal housing


Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:
English (US)

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:

Data sheet

Description, features, article numbers and technical properties

File language support:
English (GB)


Manual CHERRY MX 10.0N

File language support:
Czech Polish Finnish Danish Norwegian Swedish Dutch Italian Spanish English (GB) German French Slovak

File size:
1726 KB

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Operating manual (PDF)

File language support:
Swedish Norwegian Danish Finnish Polish Czech Slovak Dutch Spanish Italian English (GB) German French

File size:
1738 KB

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Cherry Utility Software (Win x32) v3.7

The CHERRY UTILITY SOFTWARE is the solution for professionals, enthusiasts and gamers who want to get the best out of their CHERRY product*.


Lighting control, macro programming and numerous detailed settings allow you to customize your hardware. 

  • Individual assignment of all keys - Program your CHERRY keyboard/mouse* to suit your taste: shortcuts, text modules, macros, key remapping, multimedia functions.
  • Fine-tuned lighting control - Choose from countless colors and lighting effects and create your own lighting concept. 
  • Mouse performance - Configure your DPI profile and other powerful features of your mouse just the way you like.
  • Software profiles - You want to quickly switch to another set of device configurations? Our integrated support for multiple profiles make this task easy as (Cherry) pie.


*) Please refer to the detailed description of the respective product or the RELEASE NOTES for this software version to find out which CHERRY devices are supported. CHERRY Utility only works with CHERRY products intended for this purpose.

File language support:
Chinese German English (GB) Japanese Ukrainian

Operating system support:
Windows 10 Windows 11

File size:
38 MB

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Cherry Utility Software v3.7 - Release Notes (PDF)

Release Notes (PDF)

File language support:
English (GB)

File size:
133 KB

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